MBA in a nutshell

Free Online Business Course

MBA in a Nutshell is a free online business training platform that is powered by the passion of inspirational volunteers from across the internet. The idea behind this initiative is to provide a structured training course by converging a number of excellent business related teaching resources .

This program is structured to introduce key business concepts in subjects like accounting, finance, economics, management, marketing, and even business etiquette. Every concept is introduced through a question rather than a lecture. This question based approach helps grab attention in a way that triggers curiosity.


To start this mini MBA program you simply have to follow sequentially through all the subjects listed on this syllabus. Every subject is taught through a carefully designed quiz. Please try to answer each quiz question to the best of your ability.

After each question please read the explanation and watch the associated video, even if you answered the question correctly. The purpose of these quizzes is to focus your attention on the subject matter. The explanations and the videos will help you grasp the concepts covered in each subject. You can register for the Final Exam after completing all the required subjects.

Sequentially follow through all the following subjects to earn a free MBA online course certificate